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Answers on questions

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General questions

What is is the biggest online river walks ticket sales system in Russia.

Not only do we sell tickets, but we also take full charge of how the cruises are carried out as well as of the quality of the services provided on the boats belonging to our partner companies.

We are also in charge of organizing events for many of the cruises. Moreover, we rent some of the boats under a bareboat charter and are 100 % responsible for all the organizational nuanсes of the water recreation.

Для многих круизов мы являемся и организаторами мероприятий, кроме того некоторые теплоходы мы арендуем на условиях бербоут-чартера и на 100% занимаемся всеми нюансами организации отдыха на воде.

How to purchase tickets online?

It’s very simple.

Pick the walk you are interested in and press the green button «Buy tickets», choose the date and time from the suggested ones. In case it’s an open date ticket or if the walk is carried out only once, go straight to choosing the number of the tickets. Choose the right number of tickets and press the button «Proceed to payment», insert your card data and your e-mail where the tickets will be forwarded to, then press the button «Pay».

Why is purchasing tickets online at way cheaper than buying tickets at the pier?

At present the market realities are such that companies spend 50 % of the ticket price to attract clients. When tickets are sold at the pier, their price includes the salary of the promoters, cashiers and the administrators that work at the pier, rental costs for cashiers’ offices, costs for advertising constructions and promotional materials. At the same time there are also high risks of loosing part of the revenue due to the cashiers being unscrupulous and the clients being poached by the competitors.

Selling tickets online doesn’t have any of those drawbacks and all the expenses are included in the fixed commission, that’s why it’s in the interest of the shipping companies to promote the sale of tickets online providing significant discounts instead of selling overpriced tickets at the piers.

Questions related to ticket purchasing

Is the price stated per one person or per two?

The price is always stated per one person, apart from a romantic walk «Date on a boat», where one ticket is intended for two people.

Does the price stated include discount?

All the prices of both child and adult tickets already include all the discounts.

Do I have to register on the website to purchase the tickets?

No. No registration is necessary and the whole process of purchasing takes very little time.

How can I pay for the tickets?

We accept all the bank cards of the International payment operators «Visa» and «MasterCard» (including «Maestro») and the National payment system «Mir».

Can I use Yandex.Money or QIWI-wallet to pay for the tickets?

You can issue a Yandex.Money Virtual Card linked to your wallet and then pay for the tickets with this card. It’s free and the card is issued instantaneously.

The same works for QIWI Wallet owners.

My card does not have a cardholder’s name on it, do I need to fill in the «Name and surname» field when inserting my card data to purchase the tickets?

You can fill in such field and indicate your name and surname. Names and surnames should always be given in transliteration (using English keyboard layout)

What is the format of the tickets?

The tickets are in PDF format. The most popular app for opening such files - Adobe Acrobat Reader is usually installed on the majority of personal computers and mobile devices. If you cannot open the file, install the app or any other analogue.

Why can’t I buy more than 10 tickets at a time?

It’s a technical limitation of the ticketing platform. You can get the necessary number of tickets through multiple purchases.

How do I show my tickets when boarding? Do I have to print them out?

There is no need to print out the tickets. You can show your ticket on the screen of your mobile device (tablet or smartphone). Make sure that the QR-code of the ticket (square-within-squares-at-three-corners) is scanned correctly since that is how the tickets are validated.

Whom do I show my tickets to when boarding? Do I have to address the ticket office?

The tickets are usually checked right before the boarding and there is no need to show them at the ticket office at the pier. However in some cases you will be asked to do that (for example, for «Radisson Royal» yacht cruises and walks departing from North river terminal).

You can find more accurate information on the page of each particular walk as well as on the ticket itself. In cases when there is no detailed information concerning this matter, you have to show your tickets at the ticker office at the pier.

What platform is used to issue the tickets? What payment system is used?

The tickets are issued by our partners - Radario platform (the system ensures the issuance, activation and synchronization of the tickets for the administrators on the boats), the payments are processed by processing platform CloudPayments. All payments are securely protected.

Are the payments protected? Why does the website use HTTP instead of HTTPS?

All payments through the web-site are securely protected since the i-frame that is used to generate the payment button that in its turn is script-based is HTTPS/SSL one. You can see that when you get to the inserting your card data page.

Are the tickets named?

Named tickets are issued only for unlimited tickets to «Moscow central river walk route».

All other tickets are not named and may become an excellent gift for your relatives, friends and colleagues.

Can I purchase a ticket at the pier?

Unfortunately we do not sell tickets at piers. In some cases it is possible to purchase a ticket at a pier, however the price of a ticket at a pier is always higher. Besides, the tickets to a lot of the river walks are usually sold out before the departure date and there may not be any available seats that day.

Can I book tickets?

You can purchase online tickets at our web-site. Unfortunately, booking is not allowed.

Questions related to boats and services on board

Will we have our own separate table?

For the river walks that include meals on board either separate or shared table can be provided. In cases when the table is separate, it is always indicated in the «Advantages» section on the page of the relevant walk. In any case even when the walk does not provide a divided seating arrangement the administrators will always try to provide each group with a separate table.

Is there a guide on board?

The guide services are provided during certain walks and on several boats of a «Central river walk line». You can find all such walks in the corresponding section of the site.

What is the temperature like on board in chilly and cold weather?

There is always a comfortable temperature on closed decks, regardless of the season.

How early can we board the ship?

Boarding starts 15-30 minutes before the scheduled departure time and ends 5 minutes before the scheduled departure time. We advise you to arrive in advance.

Will our table be by the window?

Usually, all the tables on the river walk boats are by the window.

Would I be able to bring my own food and drinks onboard?

Only few shipping companies allow to bring your own food and drinks onboard. You will need to contact our support service to get more detailed information. Passengers are allowed to bring strong alcoholic beverages on board of the boats departing from the piers located in the Moscow-City area and in a few others. More detailed information is provided on the page of each particular walk.

Is there a restaurant on board?

Most of the boats have a cafe bar onboard with a wide range of drinks and snacks to offer. The menu of each particular boat is provided on the page of the walk in subsection «Menu onboard».

Is there a designated smoking area on board?

All the boats have designated smoking areas. Usually, it’s the area on the stern of the boat.

Is the time given at the website the departure time or the boarding time?

The schedule always states the departure time.

Would I be able to bring a stroller aboard?

Yes, of course. The boat crew will help you with the loading and seating arrangements.

Solving problems

When purchasing the tickets, I didn’t receive the text message to verify my payment.

You will need to contact the support service of the bank that issued your card. It’s likely that you don’t have 3D secure option activated, or you cannot use your card to pay via the Internet.

I didn’t receive my tickets by e-mail.

Make sure that the payment went through. In case it didn’t, try to repeat the purchasing procedure.

In case it did, check your «Spam» folder.

In case there is no e-mail, please contact our customer care support service or the support service of the ticketing platform by telephone at 8 800 555-36-05.

I can’t find my departure pier.

You can find the detailed description of how to get to the pier on the page of each particular walk. Please make yourself familiar with this information in advance, if possible print it out. There is also a brief description with the address of the pier on your ticket. In case of problems please contact our customer care support service.


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